Xoltignore reference

In the same fashion git uses .gitignore files to know which files to track or not, xolti uses .xoltignore files to detect which files needs a header or not.

You can create one .xoltignore in each directory of your project.


.xoltignore files are plain text files, using a sub-set of the syntax of .gitignore :

  • Each line specifies a pattern used to ignore or not a path
  • A line is ignored if it is blank or starts with #`
  • Globing (use of * and/or ** wildcards) is supported
  • A pattern can be inverted by prefixing it with !
  • Pattern are read line by line, from top to bottom; lower rules override higher ones, and rules from a deeper folder override rules from higher folders
  • A pattern ending with / matches only directories
  • A pattern starting with / is only applied to the directory containing the .xoltignore

Example : js project

Folders/files structure :

|- Javascript_Project
|- app.js
|- package.json
|- node_modules
        |- ...

Possible .xoltignore :

# Ignore files installed by npm

# Ignore package.json

Example : java maven project

Folders/files structure :

|- Java_Maven_Project
|- pom.xml
|- readme
|- src
        |- main
        |- java
                    |- App.java

Possible .xoltignore :

# Ignore all files but pom.xml and java sources