
Xolti is available on, the Ruby community’s gem hosting service. Assuming you have already installed Ruby, this makes Xolti fairly easy to install :

gem install xolti

Once the installation completes, xolti is added to your $PATH, so you can access it from everywhere.


In order to properly work, Xolti requires Ruby to be installed. It has been tested with Ruby >= 2.1, but probably works with slightly older versions too. In addition, and as stated in its GemFile, Xolti requires Thor, a ruby gem used to easily create command line interfaces.

Building from sources

You can also create the gem from the source files, using the following commands (assuming you are in the project root):

gem build xolti.gemspec

You can then install it with :

gem install xolti-[VERSION].gem

where [VERSION] must be replaced by the current version of Xolti.